How is it possible that it has been nearly a month since I have posted?
It has been one of the craziest months I have had in a while. The good news though, it ended in us getting into our AMAZING (if I do say so myself) house! We have been unpacking like mad men/women, and still aren't even close to done. Do you ever do something and feel like you have spent a whole day doing it but you didn't actually get much accomplished? That is how this move is going. I swear I spent a whole day unpacking and putting stuff away, and if you had seen our garage before and after you would of sworn I hadn't done a single thing. Although I did also spend an hour and a half busting my butt to try to clean our patio set (that was brand new before we moved). That also didn't look much better afterwards. I will be back at it again this weekend, this time with bleach in hand. I am coming for you, you yucky mildew. I had a friend tell me to use bleach from the get go, but of course I was a scaredy cat, and went for mild dish soap (per online directions). What a waste of time.
FOCUS MEL! (you don't even want to know how many times a day I say that to myself, it's pretty sad). I get off topic or distracted so easily these days.
Now back to our regularly scheduled program...
So I know some of you have been dying for some pics. I have been so hesitant to post because I am not even close to done decorating and am not sure I like where I have put things yet. We have only been in our house a week and I have already moved things around over a dozen times. So here I go reluctantly posting some pics. I will probably post more once I am done (well I will probably never be "done", but at I will post them once I am at least satisfied for the time being.) Did I mention I love decorating?! :D
This couch is temporarily there. I just can not decide on new furniture. I was all set on these Spa colored sofa's but now I just think it will be overwhelming and decided just to get the matching chairs for the kitchen sitting area and the same colored stools. I think I like the tan color in the room, plus it is easy to change decor color in the future if I don't purchase colorful couches. |
I have since put the Keurig under the counter, man do those babies take up a good amount of space. I just didn't want the counters to look to crowded. I need to do a close up of the decor in the kitchen, it is really hard to tell what is going on in this pic. |
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SO now lets take a look at the love of my life... my teal credenza. Oh, how I love thee. But... I just can not decide what to do with this darn mirror. I know I want it here. Just not sure if I should hang it, prop it, have it vertically, or horizontally. Greg says hang it. He doesn't like the propped look. Plus I guess it will add height either way I hang it. SO... I am going to make him hold it up both ways and take pics and figure it out from there. I really wish I were more decisive sometimes. Well really I wish that ALL the time. I can never pick a place to eat without a never ending "You pick. NO. YOU pick." discussion. Greg likes to call them "arguments". LOL! |
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So there is a little bit of the house. I swear I will post more tomorrow. (or the next day, or the next day.)