Thursday, September 29, 2011

Staying busy...

I love busy weeks, I love when I have something planned for every single day! Which lately has been pretty much the case. Getting out of the house is quite a task but so worth it. I think I am training Aubrey to be the same way. She gets just as antsy as I do.

I think the reason why I HAVE to get out of the house and pack as much fun stuff into a week that I can, is because growing up my parents were homebodies unless we had a sporting event (might even be why I played year round sports, to get out of the house). I just remember so many weekends stuck at home, doing chores, or being bored. Holiday's were the same way. All of our family was far away so on holiday's we just stayed home, I didn't even have a reason to change out of pj's and I hate staying in pj's. It actually kind of depresses me when I have no reason to get dressed. Greg would complain about how growing up they had to go to each Grandparents house (three different places). To me that sounded like a dream! Now I get that, since we both have our families to see, we get to hop around all day from place to place! I love it!

I drive Greg a little insane though, because even on weekends I plan like every minute, and if we don't have specific plans then I fill it with errands (which I love!). We never sit around relaxing, unless the girls are napping and even then I am already planning on where we are going when they wake up. Greg is pretty sure I have issues. Oh well! I feel like if I stay busy then I am not wasting time! Which I kind of feel like growing up, I had a lot of wasted time...

Maybe Greg is right, maybe I do have issues. :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Addison's Song

As I have said before, I love music because it expresses things so much better than I can. After everything we went through with Addison's medical issues I stumbled across this song. I knew it well but it never really meant anything to me. Now this song brings tears to my eyes every single time I listen to it, which is quite often. I absolutely love it, and if you listen to the words you'll understand why. Addison had a tough start, and really it was so unexpected, but she is so strong and she will "make her way". I love my baby girl so much and everything she has gone through just makes her that more special of a person. I hope she realizes how strong she is and how truly amazing she is.

Here are the lyrics:

Doctors have come from distant cities
Just to see me
Stand over my bed
Disbelieving what they're seeing

They say I must be one of the wonders
Of god's own creation
And as far as they can see they can offer
No explanation

Newspapers ask intimate questions
Want confessions
They reach into my head
To steal the glory of my story

They say I must be one of the wonders
Of god's own creation
And as far as they can see they can offer
No explanation

O, I believe
Fate smiled and destiny
Laughed as she came to my cradle
Know this child will be able
Laughed as my body she lifted
Know this child will be gifted
With love, with patience and with faith
She'll make her way

People see me
I'm a challenge to your balance
I'm over your heads
How I confound you and astound you
To know I must be one of the wonders
Of god's own creation
And as far as you can see you can offer me
No explanation

O, I believe
Fate smiled and destiny
Laughed as she came to my cradle
Know this child will be able
Laughed as she came to my mother
Know this child will not suffer
Laughed as my body she lifted
Know this child will be gifted
With love, with patience and with faith
She'll make her way

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I have decided...

The more Greg and I talk about having another, the more on board I am with doing it right away! I can't even believe I am typing this right now, but I am kind of getting baby fever... I think it is because Addison is such an amazing baby and Aubrey is such an awesome toddler!!

I must be crazy!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

My Girls!

They are my EVERYTHING, and I make sure that I tell them that every night! They just make my heart so full! When I look at them I think that maybe I should listen to Greg and just start trying for a third! I must be crazy...

But just look at these girls, who wouldn't want another!! :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Really?? You want to have this conversation now?

Greg and I finally crawled into bed last night around 3:30 AM. We had had such a fun night, eating, drinking, watching the gator game, talking, and playing games! I was exhausted. He was not. I guess he felt it was the perfect time to talk about things that he had been thinking about. 

He went into how he really didn't have any desire to have a third child. We have always disagreed on the number of children we want. I have always wanted three, and he has always wanted two. He then went on to say that he would be willing to have a third if we did it right away and he really wouldn't be willing to wait. I am not ready, nor did I want to have this discussion while I was falling in and out of sleep. 

I want to wait two years (and that was already a compromise from the four years I really wanted to wait). Greg really doesn't want to get out of baby mode, but I need a break from baby mode. Plus I can't even imagine how I would work out getting out of the house with three babies.

I finally got him to agree to discuss this at a better time, because really 3:30 AM was NOT the right time. I really don't know what to do or say. I am kind of at a loss. I really want a third, but the thought of a third now is just SO overwhelming. Should I wait and hope he changes his mind when I am ready to have a third? Should I just get over the idea of having a third? Should I just go ahead and start "trying" to have a third? I wish I knew what to do...

Monday, September 5, 2011

Baby Free Time...

I have gotten a good bit of baby free time lately! It has been a lot of fun, but I still tend to feel guilty for not being home with the girls. I know the grandparents love to have them but I think Mom's can't help but feel guilty for everything. So if I am going to be away from my babies it has to be totally worth it!

The latest baby free adventure was a trip to Gainesville for the first game of the Gator football season. We of course had to plan way in advance to make it happen, but I was beyond excited. I had been pregnant for the past two seasons, so this was my first time in forever that I would actually be participating in tailgating!

We had such a great group! I seriously love them all, they are all just so much fun! We had lots of people to meet up with and tailgates to go to, but lost track of time but it really didn't matter because we were having so much fun on our own. We drank, walked, got lost, played games, talked non-stop, told some random guy that Emily was a knocked up freshman, walked, stuffed our faces, walked some more, drank some more, helped a guy that had been punched out, Spence found a random skate board that he then road for the rest of the night, drank some more, played more games, Greg won money playing full cup flip cup (to Ryan's dismay), drank some more, walked some more, hilariously squished into a small vehicle, chased Greg around, ate some more, and then stuffed a hotel room full of beds!!

It was most definitely worth it!!