Wednesday, April 10, 2013

So excited!

I have been waiting forever to get back to sewing. My sewing machine had been in storage for the last 9 months, and I had found SOOO many things I wanted to make on pinterest ( Well I had a very small machine, my Mom had gotten it for me in college (I had never sewn a single thing in my life at that point), so she looked up reviews on good machines to start on that were very basic (so didn't have many different stitches). I am still a beginner but would like to push myself to try more difficult things. I had been looking at sewing machines online for sometime, reading reviews and hoping to find a good deal on one. Well one I had seen that had good reviews on amazon (not as good as some others, but good enough) came available on Craiglist. The person had only used it a handful of times, she had just retired and wanted a hobby. She soon found out that sewing was not going to be it. She didn't like it at all. So this machine that was $600 on Amazon she wanted $300 for it. Still WAY out of my price range. I was talking to my friend about it she convinced me to offer what my limit was. I thought the lady would be highly insulted since it was almost half as much as she wanted. I explained to her that I had been eying that machine for some time (what can I say, I thought it was so pretty lol), and really wanted it but had a strict budget. She accepted! I called Greg at work, fully expecting him to say I didn't need it and I was being ridiculous. He knows how much I love crafting and I guess he took that into consideration and said that he would get it for me for Mother's day. He went straight from work that day and got it (it wasn't even all that close)! I was so excited and so thankful to Greg that he was so sweet and went out of his way just to make me happy! That night I played around with it and made a little bag for the girls. Addi carries it around all the time. Today I started a project I saw on Pinterest ( I have had to modify it but it's going decently well so far.

Does anyone recognize this towel (only a few of you would, it was of course a lot bigger before)? This was the towel I paid a pretty penny for on Kayla's bachelorette cruise, just so we could lay out without spending even more money! Worth every cent.

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