Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My Sweet Boy.

Greyson will be 7 months in just a few shorts days. I have been looking back at pictures of the girls at his age, reminiscing (see my 7 month post on Addi, My babies are growing up too fast.

Greyson has been getting stronger and stronger lately. Sitting, jumping (a ton), pushing up when on his belly, finding any way possible to get to the item he desires. We have been working on eating lately. He is improving some. We do some table foods, and some purees. It sad but a lot of times I forget he can eat actual food and will skip meals. I am trying to be better, but at this point solids aren't completely necessary.
He is an awesome sleeper! He has been sleeping through the night since he was 4 months  (See more about that here..., Naps have been going well also, which has always been more of a struggle for my kids. He is napping 2-3 times a day, and still naps when we are out and about (something the girls NEVER did after they started sleeping in cribs in their own rooms).

Greyson is more vocal like Aubrey was. He is watching our mouths so closely trying to imitate what we say or do. He blows raspberries, he has been so close to saying Ma-ma a couple times, he loves to just babble in his crib in the mornings (just like Aubrey used to).

I am truly so glad we were blessed with a boy, I really feel like I would of been missing out on so much if we hadn't been. Greyson is just so cuddly, sweet, giggly, and just all around happy! He loves everyone, especially his sisters. He just lights up when he sees them. It melts my heart. :)

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