Sunday, July 7, 2013


Life has been a complete blur lately. I don't even remember the last time I wrote a post, has it been long? Time has been flying by Greyson is turning 10 months in 6 days. How the heck did that happen? He is such a mix of his two sisters. He is slower with motor skills and more vocal, like Aubrey (not to mention he looks just like her). He loves to put EVERYTHING in his mouth and eats non-stop like Addi. He hasn't found a food he doesn't like. He is an awesome, amazing, sweet, chill little guy and so much fun to cuddle with. I really just wish it wasn't going by so fast. It is crazy how having kids makes you really want to cram as much as you can into every moment (and just pause life a a bit) because you blink and that moment is gone.

Life with three babies so close together is definitely never dull, but oh my is it exhausting at times. I have had some really awesome days and some really rough ones lately. Lately my biggest struggles have been with Addi. She is just never content and rarely happy. She can whine a whole day away. Her speech has really been coming along. She is repeating most everything we try to get her to say, but understanding it all is a whole other story. We are definitely having communication issues. She will throw a fit because she doesn't understand what is going on. I am just praying it will get better with her speech, but man-oh-man it's rough right now. There are days I just feel like the worst mother ever, and end up crying. I worry non-stop about Addi, and it is just weighing on me so much lately. At least I have Greg who is dealing with it too, obviously not as much, but still. He tries to help as much as he can and I am so thankful he does. I am also so thankful that I have a girls birthday cruise coming up...

ONLY 11 DAYS! I have never needed a break more than I do right now, I just hope Greg can handle all the kids while I am gone. I am extremely nervous about leaving, but I know they are in great hands (I just keep repeating that to myself). The only downside to the cruise is that it means I am 30! Yep you read that right... 3-0. Now that is just shocking right? Especially since I don't look a day over 23 (hehehe a girl can dream, right?). Greg and I are only 4 days apart so I get to tease him about being 30 for 4 whole days! I can't hardly wait!

So again for the hundredth time, I apologize for my lack of posting and will try to do better! PROMISE!

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