Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I have been very hesitant to write this post, as not to jinx things. These past few days have been considerably better with Addi. She's been having less outburst and has really taken off in the word department. I was really having a hard time with Addi (as you probably know if you've kept up with the FEW posts I have had lately). I talked to my Mom about everything and she recommended that I should continue doing what I am doing but at the end of time out/punishment/tantrum, I should make sure to hug her tight and explain the situation and my expectations of her quietly. I had been explaining to her calmly before that but she was usually flailing about and trying to get away from me as FAST as she could. So I was skeptical on how this was going to work. Well let me just tell you, since the first time I tackled that little girl with hugs and kisses and told her what behavior I expected from her and she is responding. Before I was trying to be stern but this time I was trying to make her see that no matter what I love her, which I guess I assumed she knew. Aubrey always gets hug after getting in trouble, because she is so upset that she did something wrong and is begging for hugs. So I guess with Addi never trying to get hugs and more so just trying to get away and continue on her mission, I just never thought anything of  the difference between how we handled each girl.

So now I am trying my best to show her as much affection as I can, even if she acts like she doesn't want it. Now when she is going crazy in the car I reach back and rub her leg and she loves it and calms right down. She loves it so much so that she doesn't want me to have my hand back. She is being so sweet right back. It makes me really re-access how I was being as a Mom. I was so overwhelmed with her that I had little patience and I was forgetting that even though Addi is trying to get away from me most the time, that I just need to try extra hard to give her hugs and snuggles. I am hoping that this continues as does the flood of words that have come from my amazing little spitfire lately. :)

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