Monday, January 27, 2014

How Bailey came to be a part of our family...

I swore I would never get another dog. They are a TON of work and I already have three little ones to take care of. So I bet you are wonder how "never" turned into now. I am kind of wondering the same thing myself. I think I am certifiably cRaZy!  

So here is how Bailey came to be a Moore. So as you may all know, Aubrey and Addi are obsessed with dogs, like OBSESSED, obsessed. Addi turns into a whole new child when she is around them. She is happy and giggly and so sweet. Aubrey never wants to leave there sides, like NOT EVER. So the more I saw them around dogs, the more I knew we would end up getting one. So I resigned to that fact and thought about how Aubrey would be going to school soon and would miss out on spending a lot of time with our dog and in a few years I may be going back to work and bringing a new dog into our house at that point would be very hard since puppies need lots of attention. Greg was VERY reluctant, but we talked about it for a loooooong time and we finally agreed to do it.

So how has it been going?

Well ummm, it's pretty much as I expected. Exhausting. He is getting better, but man I swear to you puppies are harder than babies. Puppies don't wear diapers, it's kind of like trying to potty training a newborn. I am seriously thinking about taking him to training classes, which I guess really is just training me, to then train him. At least Bailey is super sweet and cuddly, and he doesn't mind one bit that the kids smoother him at all times (so that's a plus, right?).

I am glad we got the puppy now, because it will pay off in the long run and the girls are really enjoying every second with him (it's hard to even get Aubrey to leave the house because she doesn't want to part with him). So yep, now we are even in our house. Three females and three males. AND now we are DONE. No more babies and no more pets. EVER. :)

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