Friday, November 1, 2013


Halloween isn't one of my favorite holidays. As a person that stresses easily, figuring out costumes, getting kids ready, and having enough candy for trick-or-treaters isn't on the top of my fun list. Once I am out watching the kids have a blast I feel it is totally worth it but leading up to that I kind of dread it all.

I love seeing all the homemade costumes, people come up with the cutest ideas. I wonder if I will ever be one of those people who make a costume. Growing up we made EVERY single costume. We were never allowed to just go pick out a store bought costume and on top of that my Mom couldn't sew. So we were a very crafty family and we had a blast figuring out costumes, but I couldn't help but yearn for a store bought costume. It's sad because I can sew, and I am crafty. Maybe once I am not so tired from chasing three little ones around... 

So here they are my cuties in their store bought costumes...

 They make anything look good! :)

Glad that's over, now we can focus on my favorite holiday... Thanksgiving!!! (You had to know that was my favorite... a whole holiday centered around food, family, and being thankful. Can't get much better than that!!)

1 comment:

  1. LOL. My mom always made our costumes too, and all I wanted was a store bought one. And that just makes me think it's not worth the effort for me to make them because the kids won't appreciate it anyway!
