And since I'm sharing videos here is one of him laughing!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Rolling, Rolling, Rolling...
Greyson rolled over on Saturday. I was hanging out with the kids in their new designated play area (Thanks to Greg who cleaned out the room Aubrey sleeps in to make room for all their Christmas gifts). Greg was cleaning up from breakfast and I had put Greyson in tummy time. I didn't think he was anywhere close to rolling from belly to back. He was way closer to rolling from back to belly, so I fully expected that to come first. But then BAM, he rolled over like it was nothing. I yelled for Greg to come see, but Greyson did it so quickly he missed it. I ran to get my phone and tried to get him to roll again so I could record him doing it, but of course he didn't roll again. But here is the video anyways, he is just so cute to look at even if he isn't rolling (don't bother watching the whole thing he isn't doing much, just hanging out in tummy time)! :D
Is it really already New Years Eve? How is that possible?
This year has been one of the most exhausting years yet, I am pretty sure if I went back through all my post that every other post would start off with me saying how exhausted I am. If it doesn't say it, I was probably thinking it but didn't want to be TOO repetitive LOL!
All in all it has been a pretty awesome year as a whole, with some not so awesome mixed in. I got pregnant last New Years Eve (at least according to my EDD I did, crazy huh?!), Aubrey turned two and continued talking non-stop ever since, my best friend moved away, we started building a house (moving into that house has now become a 2013 event lol), Addi turned one and started walking, Greg and I celebrated our 5th wedding Anniversary, Addi had her last surgery for at least a while, and best of all my little love bug was born!!
A lot less happened than I thought, I was ready to type out this long list of all the stuff that has happened but really it wasn't all that much I guess. Well, at least not a lot of stuff worth mentioning. But really it's that day to day that was awesome. I really love any time that I get to spend with my wonderful husband, sweet babies, amazing family, and awesome friends!!
I really am looking forward to what 2013 has in store for my little family. We are hoping to hear good news about Greg's job come February and hopefully move into our house in March (Fingers crossed!)!
Anyways, I truly hope that 2013 is wonderful all of us!
Happy New Year! :)
Goodbye 2012! HELLO 2013! :D
This year has been one of the most exhausting years yet, I am pretty sure if I went back through all my post that every other post would start off with me saying how exhausted I am. If it doesn't say it, I was probably thinking it but didn't want to be TOO repetitive LOL!
All in all it has been a pretty awesome year as a whole, with some not so awesome mixed in. I got pregnant last New Years Eve (at least according to my EDD I did, crazy huh?!), Aubrey turned two and continued talking non-stop ever since, my best friend moved away, we started building a house (moving into that house has now become a 2013 event lol), Addi turned one and started walking, Greg and I celebrated our 5th wedding Anniversary, Addi had her last surgery for at least a while, and best of all my little love bug was born!!
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Best day of 2012, our family was completed!! |
A lot less happened than I thought, I was ready to type out this long list of all the stuff that has happened but really it wasn't all that much I guess. Well, at least not a lot of stuff worth mentioning. But really it's that day to day that was awesome. I really love any time that I get to spend with my wonderful husband, sweet babies, amazing family, and awesome friends!!
I really am looking forward to what 2013 has in store for my little family. We are hoping to hear good news about Greg's job come February and hopefully move into our house in March (Fingers crossed!)!
Anyways, I truly hope that 2013 is wonderful all of us!
Happy New Year! :)
Goodbye 2012! HELLO 2013! :D
Friday, December 14, 2012
3 Months Old.
Greyson turned three months old yesterday. This week has been so nuts that I didn't even realize it until today. I truly can't believe three months has already gone by. I know I have gone on and on about how complete he makes our family and makes me feel, but it really is so true. He is my calm right now among all this craziness we have been going through. There is something about him that is just so peaceful. I am sure that will change with time and he will soon be adding to the craziness, but for now I am just letting it all seep in!
So what has Mr. Greyson been up to these days?
He has been packing on the lbs, from what I can tell at least (just look at his chunky cheeks, I just love them). His neck is getting stronger, he has a big ol' head to hold up (just like the girls) so he has a hard task to master. He has continued to eat every 4-6 hours with the exception of growth spurts. He wakes up 1-2 times at night, he doesn't even really cry but just squirms around a bit until I feed him. He has a lot of awake time now. He wakes up around 7:30 every morning and then goes back to sleep around 9:30, then he is up again around lunch time, then sleeps again when the girl nap from 2-5, and then is pretty much down for the night around 8:30 (just a little after Aubrey heads to bed). We would normally be moving him into his own room in a month or so, but since we aren't in our house yet that may be pushed back.
It really has been such an awesome three months with my little man. I am so happy to be his Mama. I can't wait to see his personality emerge more, I hope he continues to be my little cuddle bunny.
So what has Mr. Greyson been up to these days?
He has been packing on the lbs, from what I can tell at least (just look at his chunky cheeks, I just love them). His neck is getting stronger, he has a big ol' head to hold up (just like the girls) so he has a hard task to master. He has continued to eat every 4-6 hours with the exception of growth spurts. He wakes up 1-2 times at night, he doesn't even really cry but just squirms around a bit until I feed him. He has a lot of awake time now. He wakes up around 7:30 every morning and then goes back to sleep around 9:30, then he is up again around lunch time, then sleeps again when the girl nap from 2-5, and then is pretty much down for the night around 8:30 (just a little after Aubrey heads to bed). We would normally be moving him into his own room in a month or so, but since we aren't in our house yet that may be pushed back.
It really has been such an awesome three months with my little man. I am so happy to be his Mama. I can't wait to see his personality emerge more, I hope he continues to be my little cuddle bunny.
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"I'm looking classy in my little suit!" |
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"SO happy to be snuggling with my Mama." |
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"Who me?" |
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"I love my sister, but seriously another picture with her?" |
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"Fine. I'll just chew on my hands to occupy myself." |
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"Yep, you guessed it MORE pictures with my sister. She just can't seem to get enough of me." |
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"Ok enough already, I am so over this." |
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"Fine just one more, she is kind of cuddly." |
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"Why yes, I am sitting in a purple Bumbo." |
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"Don't worry I got this tummy time thing figured out, no problem." |
Life with Three Under Three.
I was cuddling with Greyson today as I usually do. He is a super cuddly baby, makes me one happy Mama. As I was doing this I was thinking about how I never got to really snuggle with Addi. First off she didn't like snuggling, she always liked being in her rock and play more than in my arms. I really think it's because of her extended stay in the hospital immediately after she was born, that it became her norm and was just what she was used to. Secondly I didn't really have the time to, which brings me back to the point of my post. I was sitting there cuddling and thinking of how nice it was to have time to spend with him. You are probably wondering how I have time with my third child but not my second.
Well, it's pretty simple. Addi and Aubrey keep eachother company. So instead of it always having to be me playing with Aubrey or with Addi, they play together. Which leaves me with a little more time for a baby. When Addi was born Aubrey was still pretty dependent on me, even at home. I was constantly feeling torn between the girls. I didn't know who to tend to first, and unfortunately my attention usually went to the one demanding it, Aubrey. I feel like I missed a lot of the fun newborn stuff, so this time around I am enjoying every second of it. Greyson is so sweet, smiley, and vocal (which now makes me realize how little Addi must of been hearing, because she never really cooed or made many sounds).
So to those people who say having three isn't any harder than having two and that going from one to two is harder than from two to three, I would have to agree. In public it is a little more trying, but at home it is, dare I say... easier.
Well, it's pretty simple. Addi and Aubrey keep eachother company. So instead of it always having to be me playing with Aubrey or with Addi, they play together. Which leaves me with a little more time for a baby. When Addi was born Aubrey was still pretty dependent on me, even at home. I was constantly feeling torn between the girls. I didn't know who to tend to first, and unfortunately my attention usually went to the one demanding it, Aubrey. I feel like I missed a lot of the fun newborn stuff, so this time around I am enjoying every second of it. Greyson is so sweet, smiley, and vocal (which now makes me realize how little Addi must of been hearing, because she never really cooed or made many sounds).
So to those people who say having three isn't any harder than having two and that going from one to two is harder than from two to three, I would have to agree. In public it is a little more trying, but at home it is, dare I say... easier.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
What a week. (may be a bit gross.)
I think I start off most posts these days saying how exhausted I am. I was just about to type "to say I am exhausted is and understatement" but then I thought gosh I really need to stop talking about how exhausted I am. Really though, I am SO exhausted hahaha!
This week has been a rough one. Addi played in Aubrey's pee yet again. For those that don't know about the first time, it was while Greg was at Ryan's bachelor weekend. I was feeding Greyson and all the sudden it was way too quiet. I yelled to Aubrey in the kitchen and asked what they were up to. Aubrey's response was "Addi is playing in my pee pee", I jumped up so fast and ran in the kitchen to find Addi slip sliding around in Aubrey's pee. Well this time Aubrey used the little potty and didn't tell me and next thing I know Addi is washing her arms with something. It was toilet paper soaked in pee that she had taken out of the potty. If you know me well, you know I am a helicopter Mom and don't let my kids out of my sight for very long EVER, but somehow in the few seconds I do Addi seems to get into EVERYTHING (mostly pee and poo these days lol!)
So that was Monday. Tuesday I had to go to the Doctor to get an IUD. Greg was supposed to get "fixed" but he then researched and decided it was too risky for him. So lucky me. So I got to deal with cramps all day long on top of this...
Greg's car broke down two weeks ago and I had to drive up to his car twice in one week (first to get him, second time to have his car towed since I have AAA and he doesn't.) Well since it had been TWO weeks I was getting a little frustrated that he still hadn't had time to fix it. He wanted to do it himself to save money, but with Greg when he wants to do things himself it never gets done in a timely fashion. Finally Monday I told him he had to take it somewhere to get it fixed. Well $460 later it is fixed, and I had a pissed off husband that is blaming me for not letting him fix it himself. That is only the beginning of the money "fun" that has come our way this week. We heard back about the house. They are going to hold it for us until March for a hefty monthly fee. Pretty much Greg and I can't eat, drive, or spend a cent until we move into the house. We truly considered walking away, but then found out we would lose our binder, which would be more than paying the monthly fee. So yep, we may be MIA until we move back to Jax. We might actually end up being gone for a month anyways, to Delaware. Greg's work possibly sending Greg there, so we would just join him since there is NO WAY he is leaving me with three kids for a whole month, I barely survived 5 days.
So now where was I, what day am I on? Oh yes, Wednesday. This is the only day since Greyson has been born that Greyson cried a ton. He was so upset all day. If I wasn't holding him he was crying and I was about ready to just cry with him. Finding out about the house the day before had wiped me out, and I was done holding it all together. Aubrey has also been in rare form lately. I really don't know what has come over her, but on Tuesday she hit Greg and Wednesday she hit me (right after she did it she looked so scared, like she hadn't even realized what she was doing until she had already done it). She has been spending a lot of time in time out this week. I really hope this phase passes quickly, because it is so unlike my normally sweet little girl.
So now onto today. I again was feeding Greyson and Addi was in the room with me but Aubrey had headed to the kitchen. Next thing I know I hear a loud crash. I called to Aubrey asking what happen and she said she spilled water. I for the life of me couldn't figure out what water she could of spilled. So yet again I go running into the kitchen. This time I found the fish bowl on the ground empty. No fish in sight. I freak out, searching for the fish. Finally I found it, still alive. My phone rings at that exact moment, and it's Greg. I ask him what I should do. He said to get the fish back into water asap. Then a second later I hear a beep and it's my Mom calling. I then had to explain to her that I couldn't talk because I was trying to rescue the fish. I am happy to say I rescued the fish. I had to chase it around with a spoon because it kept flopping away from me. This fish is amazing. My Mom had called me this past weekend while we were at Ryan and Ashley's wedding to inform me the fish was on it's last leg, "about to die any second". Well he made a quick turn around because when we got back Greg changed his water and bam he was good to go. Now he has lived out of water for a good 3 minutes and is still going strong. Craziness!
There was much more craziness in between all this, but I am just too darn tired to remember it all. Here is a funny video for you all, and yes Aubrey is calling her "Stinky Butt". Fun times!
Oh and P.S I am not proof reading this I am just too (yep you guessed it...) exhausted to, so excuse all my errors.
This week has been a rough one. Addi played in Aubrey's pee yet again. For those that don't know about the first time, it was while Greg was at Ryan's bachelor weekend. I was feeding Greyson and all the sudden it was way too quiet. I yelled to Aubrey in the kitchen and asked what they were up to. Aubrey's response was "Addi is playing in my pee pee", I jumped up so fast and ran in the kitchen to find Addi slip sliding around in Aubrey's pee. Well this time Aubrey used the little potty and didn't tell me and next thing I know Addi is washing her arms with something. It was toilet paper soaked in pee that she had taken out of the potty. If you know me well, you know I am a helicopter Mom and don't let my kids out of my sight for very long EVER, but somehow in the few seconds I do Addi seems to get into EVERYTHING (mostly pee and poo these days lol!)
So that was Monday. Tuesday I had to go to the Doctor to get an IUD. Greg was supposed to get "fixed" but he then researched and decided it was too risky for him. So lucky me. So I got to deal with cramps all day long on top of this...
Greg's car broke down two weeks ago and I had to drive up to his car twice in one week (first to get him, second time to have his car towed since I have AAA and he doesn't.) Well since it had been TWO weeks I was getting a little frustrated that he still hadn't had time to fix it. He wanted to do it himself to save money, but with Greg when he wants to do things himself it never gets done in a timely fashion. Finally Monday I told him he had to take it somewhere to get it fixed. Well $460 later it is fixed, and I had a pissed off husband that is blaming me for not letting him fix it himself. That is only the beginning of the money "fun" that has come our way this week. We heard back about the house. They are going to hold it for us until March for a hefty monthly fee. Pretty much Greg and I can't eat, drive, or spend a cent until we move into the house. We truly considered walking away, but then found out we would lose our binder, which would be more than paying the monthly fee. So yep, we may be MIA until we move back to Jax. We might actually end up being gone for a month anyways, to Delaware. Greg's work possibly sending Greg there, so we would just join him since there is NO WAY he is leaving me with three kids for a whole month, I barely survived 5 days.
So now where was I, what day am I on? Oh yes, Wednesday. This is the only day since Greyson has been born that Greyson cried a ton. He was so upset all day. If I wasn't holding him he was crying and I was about ready to just cry with him. Finding out about the house the day before had wiped me out, and I was done holding it all together. Aubrey has also been in rare form lately. I really don't know what has come over her, but on Tuesday she hit Greg and Wednesday she hit me (right after she did it she looked so scared, like she hadn't even realized what she was doing until she had already done it). She has been spending a lot of time in time out this week. I really hope this phase passes quickly, because it is so unlike my normally sweet little girl.
So now onto today. I again was feeding Greyson and Addi was in the room with me but Aubrey had headed to the kitchen. Next thing I know I hear a loud crash. I called to Aubrey asking what happen and she said she spilled water. I for the life of me couldn't figure out what water she could of spilled. So yet again I go running into the kitchen. This time I found the fish bowl on the ground empty. No fish in sight. I freak out, searching for the fish. Finally I found it, still alive. My phone rings at that exact moment, and it's Greg. I ask him what I should do. He said to get the fish back into water asap. Then a second later I hear a beep and it's my Mom calling. I then had to explain to her that I couldn't talk because I was trying to rescue the fish. I am happy to say I rescued the fish. I had to chase it around with a spoon because it kept flopping away from me. This fish is amazing. My Mom had called me this past weekend while we were at Ryan and Ashley's wedding to inform me the fish was on it's last leg, "about to die any second". Well he made a quick turn around because when we got back Greg changed his water and bam he was good to go. Now he has lived out of water for a good 3 minutes and is still going strong. Craziness!
There was much more craziness in between all this, but I am just too darn tired to remember it all. Here is a funny video for you all, and yes Aubrey is calling her "Stinky Butt". Fun times!
Oh and P.S I am not proof reading this I am just too (yep you guessed it...) exhausted to, so excuse all my errors.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Ryan and Ashley's Wedding.
I still can't believe Ryan and Ashley are finally married! I am just so happy for them, they are two of the best people I know and deserve all the happiness in the world.
The wedding was amazing. Ashley should plan weddings for a living because everything was perfect. She is a super organized person by nature, but this took it to a whole new level. She literally didn't forget a single detail. I can't get over how gorgeous the location was. If I ever renew my vows, I am doing it there for sure! I was really so impressed by everything, and so proud of Ashley for doing such an amazing job! I think that statement made me sound really old (lol, oh well!). The thing I loved the most was that they had this bottle of wine in a box that they had had customized, they both wrote letters to each other that they can't read until their first anniversary. They then open and read them and drink the wine together, and then add a new letter (and I am assuming a new bottle of wine) to be read at the next anniversary. I think that is the most brilliant idea ever. I told Greg I wanted to do that, and asked him if it was too late to start. He of course said it was. Probably because he didn't want to have to write the letters (gotta love him, he doesn't have a romantic bone in his body).
Anyways, it was a truly fun night and I am so happy that we got to be there for it! This year I have gained two AWESOME sister in laws! I am one seriously blessed girl, our family just keeps growing bigger and bigger!
The wedding was amazing. Ashley should plan weddings for a living because everything was perfect. She is a super organized person by nature, but this took it to a whole new level. She literally didn't forget a single detail. I can't get over how gorgeous the location was. If I ever renew my vows, I am doing it there for sure! I was really so impressed by everything, and so proud of Ashley for doing such an amazing job! I think that statement made me sound really old (lol, oh well!). The thing I loved the most was that they had this bottle of wine in a box that they had had customized, they both wrote letters to each other that they can't read until their first anniversary. They then open and read them and drink the wine together, and then add a new letter (and I am assuming a new bottle of wine) to be read at the next anniversary. I think that is the most brilliant idea ever. I told Greg I wanted to do that, and asked him if it was too late to start. He of course said it was. Probably because he didn't want to have to write the letters (gotta love him, he doesn't have a romantic bone in his body).
Anyways, it was a truly fun night and I am so happy that we got to be there for it! This year I have gained two AWESOME sister in laws! I am one seriously blessed girl, our family just keeps growing bigger and bigger!
Addi Paddi.
Everyday I look at Addi in true amazement. She is so spirited and energetic. While having a spirited and energetic child can be so exhausting, for us it is also truly amazing. I think back to everything she's been through and I am just so proud of her. Nothing slows her down, NOTHING (believe me I've tried). She is so full of life and so inquisitive. I am so lucky to have her spirit and spunk in my life.
So to my dearest Addi I say...
I know there are days where it seems Mama is pushed to her limits by you, but just know she loves you more than words can say and loves every single thing about you. When she speaks of your craziness, it is with great love. You are a spitfire and an sweetheart all rolled in to one. Mama loves you to pieces and always will.
So to my dearest Addi I say...
I know there are days where it seems Mama is pushed to her limits by you, but just know she loves you more than words can say and loves every single thing about you. When she speaks of your craziness, it is with great love. You are a spitfire and an sweetheart all rolled in to one. Mama loves you to pieces and always will.
My little crazy girl! |
"What is Greyson's Middle Name?"
This question didn't come from a friend, or acquaintance, or even a stranger. It came from my lovely husband. We were at a bbq before the rehearsal for his brother's wedding. It caught me off guard there for a second. I couldn't believe Greg, whom had chosen Greyson's middle name after months of thinking it over couldn't remember. Not only did he choose it but it is his father's name. This just goes to show how overly exhausted we both are. We headed to an appointment today with only Greyson in tow, and I commented on how easy it was with one child and if only we knew that when we only had Aubrey that maybe we would of appreciated it more. He said he doesn't remember how it was with just Aubrey, because the last three years to him are just a blur. Greg isn't known for his stellar memory, he can forget things second after they happen, I swear.
The last three years have been tiresome, but wonderful at the same time. I am glad that Greyson will be our last addition so maybe we can get out of this blurred state we are in sometime in the near future! (Fingers crossed.)
So I am sure that many of you are wondering how things are going with three now that some time has passed. Well things are pretty good. We have our ups and downs but I am really getting into the swing of having three little ones. It may take me an extra 20 mins to get anywhere, just between getting them all dressed and getting them all loaded and unloaded in the car. Greyson though is an awesome baby. He sleeps well, he is content when he is awake (which is surprising quite often), and he is cuddly as can be (which I CAN'T get enough of!). I am loving having a little boy, they are just so sweet and calm (so far, lol). So yep, things are still going really well! Don't worry I will continue to keep you updated because I am sure that even "Moore Craziness" will ensue soon enough! :)
The last three years have been tiresome, but wonderful at the same time. I am glad that Greyson will be our last addition so maybe we can get out of this blurred state we are in sometime in the near future! (Fingers crossed.)
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