Thursday, April 19, 2012

Greyson -no middle name- Moore

So we had our real anatomy scan today. We are DEFINITELY having a boy, I will get into that in a bit. But the exciting news is we can now call him by name!! We are naming him Greyson! No middle name yet, Greg is going to come up with that at some point. I still feel really bad though, Greg isn't in love with the name like I am. In fact I don't even think he likes it. We can't agree on a single name now that we can't use our original name. So I think either way one of us won't be 100% happy with it, but as a wise person told me (Krista), we will love his name regardless once he is here!

They went over our results of the first trimester screen (ultrasound and blood work). Greyson has a 1/10,000 of downs and everything else they tested for. I guess that is the best score possible. They told us he just got his first A!

I love going to this high risk doctors office, they take their time and are so thorough each ultrasound has been around 30 minutes. At my other office they quickly measured things and really didn't explain much total ultrasound was around 5 mins.

Today Greyson was in a tough position, spine to the front. The tech kept trying to get him to flip, but he was just too comfy. So we didn't get any good shots of his heart, but she got great shots of everything else. He measure almost perfectly on time, just a day ahead of our EDD for everything even his head (which is just crazy since both girls measured a week ahead in theirs, they have big heads like their Dada). Greyson weighs 7oz. right now, right on track!

I found out that my placenta is anterior again, like it was with Aubrey. It explains why I am not feeling much movement. With Aubrey I didn't feel her until 21 weeks, so stressful. Addi I felt so early, so I had expected it to be like that this time. So I am thankful to know why I am not feeling a lot of movement.

During the ultrasound Greyson was sure to keep flashing the goods! When the doctor came in to view the ultrasound pics, he knew the sex within the first few screen shots, and he hadn't even gotten close to viewing the potty shot. I am so happy to know that it is definitely a boy, no question about it now!

It was such a great appointment, and much quicker than the 2 hour appointment we had last time. We now go back in 5 weeks to get pictures of the heart. I will of course have them check out the good for the umpteenth time! :D

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