How is it possible that Greyson is already four weeks old, and a month
old on Saturday? I just can't believe it. This first month as been
amazing, exhausting, scary, and just plain wonderful. Greyson is beyond
sweet, and the girls just adore him. It is awesome to see all my babies
together. Addi is so interested in Greyson and goes up and pets him so
sweetly, sometimes not so sweetly, but mostly sweetly hahaha! Aubrey
asks to hold him, hug him, kiss him, and change his diaper. If he cries
she tries to calm him, she will tell him it's ok and that Mama is going
to feed him soon, she then informs me that he is hungry and needs milk.
It is beyond adorable.
Greyson is such an awesome baby. I really could not ask for a sweeter more laid back baby. He is still doing great with eating and sleeping. Most the time he eats every four hours, and at night he goes 5-6 hours so we are only waking up once or twice. He has had one night of cluster feeding, but so far nothing really too bad. He has been having a good amount of awake time, he is just content looking around, snuggling, or just hanging out in his rock and play. What I love more than anything is if he ever is upset and crying (which so far has been rare), as soon as I pick him up and give him kisses he is completely content. He reminds me so much of how Addi was as a newborn, I get a little nervous that he is going to be a crazy little spitfire like Addi when he becomes a toddler. I am just not sure I will be able to handle two!
I feel like time goes by so much faster with each child. I am trying to just soak it all up since this is the last newborn stage I will ever be going through. If you had told me two and a half years ago (when Aubrey was a newborn) that I would be treasuring the newborn stage, I probably would of laughed deliriously until I cried. I seriously was a mess of a Mom, I cried over everything, I never got sleep, I was a hot mess of emotions ALL the time. Oh, how times change...
A Month Of Greyson:
He is beyond adorable! Glad to hear things are going well :) You are such a good mama!