Saturday, October 20, 2012

Yet another update!!

I know I am probably really annoying with all these updates, but I really have enjoyed looking back at my other updates to see just how far things have come! This is the first time the kids came in to see the house. It was never complete/safe enough to bring them. Aubrey was SO excited, she was saying how pretty everything was and telling us which was her room. It was so awesome to see her so excited about "her new house".
Lights are in!
Greg seeing the cabinets in person for the first time. He just kept saying how much nicer in person they were than in the pictures. I didn't think they looked all that bad in pictures but I guess he was worried they didn't look like a solid color, which they do (not sure why it looks splotchy in pictures).
Really excited about the mail center/desk! I just have to find the right fun chair to refinish to go there!
Checking out the oven!
I'm thinking that I am going to make the "cafe" area (to the left) a reading/sitting area. It is meant for a small table, but I don't really need three eating areas since we will have stools at the island and our regular table in the dining area.

Trash pull out!
Aubrey running around checking everything out!

She was really excited about the big shower!
Kid's bathroom!

Loving how the granite looks with the cabinets!
Walk-in pantry!

Stone is on!!!

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