Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What have we been up to lately?

House Update.

So here are last weeks photos:
Plumbing is in and it's just begging for some cement...

This weeks photo's:
Umm is that cement I see?!? Who'd of thought cement could be so exciting, but we have a slab, we have some sort of something going on how could that not be exciting?! I can't wait to see what happens next!

Pregnancy Update.

Just had my 36 week appointment, and today I actually welcomed it. I had a rough morning with the girls, lots of whining and crying going on around here... and most of it's mine (just kidding!). So when my Mom came home to watch the girls I was already half way out the door (not really, but you get my point).

Lately, I have been having more and more problems breathing. I have been scaring people I think with my little "episodes". I had mentioned them earlier in my pregnancy but they have gotten significantly worse to the point where I have thrown up and where my vision has gone black. So I thought I best mention it again. She wasn't as laid back about it this time as she has been in the past when I have mentioned it. She wants to do a chest x-ray and an ultrasound. She thinks Greyson might be bigger than we originally thought. I never measured big with Aubrey, if anything I measured small, so I somehow hide babies well. I have a very short torso so there isn't much room for the baby to go, so I guess he is smooshing everything to the point where I can't breathe, then I get dizzy, and then I see stars. Also they (both the nurse and doctor) mentioned how low my blood pressure was, which it is always low, just how I am, but I guess this time it was noticeably lower and... to top it off I have anemia again. She thinks all of this "fun stuff" could be contributing to my breathing issues as well. We agreed that I should start with the iron supplements and see if that helps at all. If it doesn't on to the x-ray and ultrasound we go. Also since I had to have my GBS test done today and have already been having false labor (fun times around here, I'm telling ya!) she decided to check me and he is low and I am at 1 already. Not that it really means anything but being only 36 weeks I was surprised I was dilated at all.

So after all that I asked her about going down South to visit Emily and Daniel this weekend, and she gave me a BIG FAT NO! She is the most laid back person, and she even gave me the go ahead to fly to Maryland when I was 35-36 weeks pregnant with Addi and would be there for a week and would be driving back. So I must of really freaked her out with all my issues. I prodded a little more to see if she would budge, and she basically said "You are a grown women so I can't tell you not to, but I definitely recommend you not go." So of course I still want to go, I am so torn. I haven't really talked to Greg yet about it so I guess I will try to get him to make the final decision (that way if we go and something happens I can just blame him hehehe, just kidding!).

Well that about sums that up... now check out my post on the house update!!


I'm exhausted. The sleepless nights have begun. I haven't slept much the past four nights, which isn't bad compared to what most deal with. I have gotten excellent almost normal sleep up until this point. I thank my lovely energetic daughters for wearing me out so much that I slept like a log! Now even the exhaustion can't out weigh how uncomfortable I am.

So yep, I'm to the point where I'm saying Greyson can come anytime now, I'm ready. Ready to not be pregnant that is. Ready to be able to breathe again, ready to be able to bend over without crippling pain, ready to be able to play with my girls more, ready to eat some real sushi, ready to get my body back, I'm just plain ready.

Want to know the thing that sucks about feeling this way?? I have four more weeks to go! Ahhhhh!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Drove by yet again...

So I drove by the lot yet again. Both girls were passed out and since I was passing the exit I just couldn't resist. We had met with the site manager (or whatever they call the person who oversees everything) on Monday to approve all the plans. We went over all the changes (thank goodness, no more red/brown roof) and talked about possible completion date... end of October. Fingers crossed! He then told us the plumbing would be started that very day and hopefully completed by the end of the day today. So yes, I had just gone by yesterday, but I was dying to see some progress so I just had to stop again today. It was raining but I was hoping to get a pic or two or the work that had been done. Well whaddya know, those boys were working in the rain. I didn't want to take a picture because they might think I am a tad strange taking a picture of plumbing, so I just drove by slowly. I know it's weird but them working in the rain made me very happy, now that is what I call determination! :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Meeting with the builder!

We have a meeting with the builder tomorrow (the site manager)!! I'm so excited it means things should start moving along more quickly! He wants to go over everything (blue prints and what-not) so we can sign off that everything is correct. I can't wait to see some actual building happening! I will keep you all updated!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Fun Friday! (Week 3)

8/13- We were on my way to my OB appointment and we hit some rain on the drive up...
Aubrey: "Slow down the rain Mama."
Me: "Aubrey I can't slow down the rain, sorry babe."
Aubrey pauses and thinks a second or two, she then looks out the window and screams at the top of her lungs "Slow down the rain clouds." (Greg and I had just told her the day before when it was raining that the rain was coming from the grey clouds).
Me (laughing): "You are too smart Aubrey and so silly."
Aubrey: (Laughs and then again yelling out her window) "Turn off the rain, turn off the rain, turn off the rain!"

8/14- Aubrey was jumping away on her "jumpoline"
Aubrey: "Look Mama, I jump so high!"
Me: "Wow you are jumping really high, how fun!"
Aubrey stops jumping.
Aubrey: "My belly hurts, I jumped TOO high."

8/16- Aubrey loves to unpack and repack the clothes that Emily gave us for Greyson.
While un-packing...
Aubrey: "These are kids clothes for Greyson."
Me:"Yep they are."
Aubrey: "He needs to get out of Mama's belly."
Me:"I know, you are right!"
Aubrey then holds up a tiny pair of mittens.
Aubrey:"My hands too big, try Addi's"
Me:"Nope they are itty bitty and only fit Greyson."
Aubrey: "Oh. Okay." then stuffs them in her goldfish container.

Ok... so here is a not so funny, but really sweet one:
Aubrey has been in a foul mood all week, something is just off. She has been crying over everything. I have been telling her all week that her attitude is making me either sad. So after a long day of tantrums, I collapse on the couch and close my eyes...
Aubrey: (climbing up on the couch) "So sorry Mama. You so sad."
Me: "It's ok baby, I am just tired."
Aubrey: (wraps her arms around me) "So so sorry, hugs and kisses". (She then kisses my forehead).
"So sorry you sad, I love you Mama."

 How can I ever stay mad at her, she is just so freakin' sweet! Now I leave you with pictures of my sweet-silly-sassy girl!
Eating in style!
She loves being close to Addi...
Addi not so much.

House update...

Not much to report, but I did drive by again this week. They have smoothed the dirt pile (woo-hoo)...

Dirt smoothed.
Here is the same floor plan and elevation as ours being built in our neighborhood, makes me excited for ours! Hopefully some building starts soon.

Project Update...

So here is what it looks like with paint. Definitely think it needs a gloss finish...

More accurate color (the lighting made the other look yellower).

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Yet Another Project.

I have had all the goodies to do this project for forever, just haven't found the time or energy to get on it. I got the idea from pinterest (surprise, surprise lol!)...

So as you can see I did more of a circular motion, I just love tons of movement. I just couldn't decide to just paint it all one color or do multiple colors as I had originally planned. I just loved how it looked even just being white. Well today I bit the bullet and I went with multicolor. I got started and then of course realized I didn't have all my colors, they are being stored in Addi's room so now I have two big blank spots just begging to be painted. I didn't want to risk waking my little monster (said with love, of course) so I left it as is for now. So no finished pics for you, sorry. Hopefully I can do it real quick once she awakens. 

I feel that I may need to buy a glossy sealer, I only have a satin one. I just feel the gloss will add a little to the matte painting. Might just try the satin one first and see (well really I'll have Greg do it, because it is probably not super safe for this preggo Mama). So whatcha think?

Here are some of the colors I used.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What have we been up to? (Video update)

I am just too darned tired to write anything right now, so here are some videos from last week... I am hoping to get up the energy to post once I lay down for a little (so check back!).

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Recipe Review- No Name Chicken and The World's Best Chicken

This is going to be short and sweet, mostly because I am beyond exhausted and have put this post off for too long, sorry. Remember those chicken recipes I told you I was going to make (http://moorecraziness.blogspot.com/2012/07/recipereview-forgotten-chicken.html), well I did. Well really I made one and my Mom made the other. 

I made this one: http://pinterest.com/pin/120260252520332237/ . It really has no name that I have found, so I just call it No Name Chicken. It was really easy, quick, and good. I again (like with the forgotten chicken) wouldn't say it was amazing, but a meal in one dish, really who can complain! Greg thought is was delish, he got a really tender piece of chicken. I personally LOVED the green beans, but I am a green bean lover by nature.
All you need is some potatoes (I didn't listen and didn't get the new potatoes, oops!), green beans, chicken, butter, and Chicken! Can't get easier than that!
Guess I forgot to do a cooked pic, sorry.
 The next chicken dish was this one: http://pinterest.com/pin/120260252520283922/ (The World's Best Chicken). Now this was AMAZING, so tender and so tasty. Aubrey called is "spicy" but she just says that when something has a lot of flavor. Anyways I can't go on about this chicken enough. It has very few ingredients and most everyone would have on hand already... Chicken, syrup, Dijon mustard, red wine vinegar, and rosemary and voila you have a YUMMY dish! As a side we did asparagus http://pinterest.com/pin/120260252520464930/ again, very simple and very good!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Oh How Things Change...

My Appointments have been every two weeks for the last month or so and to me they have been quite the inconvenience. Last night as I laid in bed planning out the next day (today) in my head as I usually do every night, I remembered I had yet another OB appointment. I could feel my annoyance growing. I started to think back to when I was pregnant with Aubrey and how excited I was for every appointment, how I truly believed they didn't have them frequent enough. The idea of how crazy I was makes me laugh, but I really lived for those appointments and I think at this point in my pregnancy I was even asking how soon we could get Aubrey out if we had the possibility of early induction. I was truly batty and impatient, but I really just wanted Aubrey in my arms ASAP. We had gone through SO much to have her that I was far beyond a normal nervous first time mom-to-be.

While pregnant with Addi I definitely wasn't overly excited about the appointments like I was with Aubrey but I definitely didn't find them to be as pointless/inconvenient as I do now. At my last appointment I drove the 45 plus minutes to my appointment. They told me the same thing they tell me every time, everything looked great and we were right on track. My doctor commented on how easy my appointments were and that I was an old pro by now, and sent me on my way. So really a total of three minutes with the doctor and it was the same old same. Which believe me I am beyond thankful for, no issues is definitely a GREAT thing but at this point we've had tons of ultrasounds and tests to make sure everything is good, and I feel constant movement, so really other than measuring my belly they don't do much of anything. Do I really need to go every two weeks to have my belly measured? Umm, NO. I feel I should be every four weeks unless I have a concern, since I am an "old pro" and all!

Oh well, here I go again planning my whole day around two hours of driving for a lot of waiting around and three minutes of face time with the Doc. Yay. :/

Friday, August 10, 2012

House update.

So not really much to report. We called and had them make the changes we wanted (http://moorecraziness.blogspot.com/2012/07/second-guessing.html) but have yet to sign anything making them official. I drove by the lot a couple weeks ago and they had started to clear the lot.

I then drove by again yesterday, and they started framing to pour the slab!!

So I think we have officially started building. I talked to the builder today and they are thinking November now for closing, so we are already running behind. If it keeps raining like it has been lately I fear we may be looking at December. I am just not sure I can handle waiting that long. I am already a little sad that we won't be in a house before Greyson's arrival, and really don't want to over stay our welcome here. I have actually been keeping my eyes open for a place to rent and for move in ready houses that come on the market, just in case.

Fun Friday! (Week Two)

8/6-Aubrey: Where's Dada?
Me: He's at work. He will be back tonight.
Aubrey: Yes, he coming back, Dada really likes Aubrey. Dada likes Addi too!

8/7-Aubrey: (picking up her stuffed Elephant and putting it on her head). "Elephant go night night on my head."
Me: "Oh really?"
Aubrey: "Yes, Elephant is tired like Aubrey."

8/8-Aubrey takes my hair down, and starts brushing it with her straw.
Aubrey: "I making your hair pretty Mama."
Me: "Aww thank you Aubrey."
Aubrey: "So pretty! Pretty hair."
She walks around to work on the front.
Aubrey: "Uh-Oh hair on your face." (My hair was laying on my cheek, she moves it.) "There, pretty again."

8/9- This one isn't so much funny as just sweet as can be!
Aubrey was sitting talking to Addi- Aubrey: "You are too beautiful Addi."
Me: "Did you just say Addi was too beautiful?"
Aubrey: "Yeah, Addi too pretty."

Addi grabbed Aubrey's hair and tried to put it in her mouth.
Aubrey: "No-no, that's Aubrey's hair not a paci", "Not a paci Addi". She then looks around for a paci.
Aubrey: "There's a paci". Aubrey plops it into Addi's mouth and laughs. "That was so silly Mama."

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Miss Independent Turned Super Clinger.

I have a super clingy baby on my hands lately, only at home though. I think I am going a bit insane. She wants me to be standing, holding her at all times and if I don't she just screams her head off. I am trying to stay patient, but failing pretty miserably.

She has no problem being away from me when we are out and about. She is usually running in the other direction as fast as she can, which is when I would rather her be clingy so I don't have to chase her around.

I just can't win.

Please God help me to be more patient. I really am at my wits end this week.

Look at those puffy eyes and runny nose, crying non-stop will do that. :(