Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Kids Say the Darndest Things!

Aubrey has been cracking me up lately. I have tried to get video's of her but can never get her full on silliness on video. We were driving to Addi's ENT today for her post-op appointment (more on that in tomorrow's post). Addi wasn't happy about being in the car (which has been a theme with her lately). So I tried calming her by telling her we were almost there, she of course has no clue what I am saying to her. Aubrey then said (in her attempt to get Addi to stop crying) "We're going to the Doctor's Addi, it is fun!!" I died laughing! When we got in the car after Addi's appointment to head home she said to me "Mama, I sad, I want to play more at the Doctor's". Not sure why all the sudden the Doctors has become so much fun to Aubrey, but the last time we went (again for one of Addi's appointments) she kept telling me, "The Doctor said no more jumping on the bed Mama" and then she'd giggle hysterically! Anyways on the drive home I started thinking I should start doing quote of the day posts (maybe I will save them for Friday's and just post a weeks worth at a time).

So here are some video's of my silly girl:

She loves to say "Ohhh Mama" or "Silly Mama" whenever she feels I am being funny or ridiculous, which is quite often. It cracks me up so much! This video was taken after she asked to have my phone to call Dada and then asked him if they could go to the Zoo to see the Monkey's and feed the Giraffe's.
Singing along to Blues Clues, and she is obsessed with shapes lately...
This one I posted in another post but it just cracks me up so for those who didn't watch it the first time I posted it, here it is. I asked her if she wanted to go potty...
My little singer! This video cracks me up! I used to sing about my pillow when I was her age, when I sent this video to my parents they said she reminded them so much of me. She is definitely my little girl. I was super silly (well still am) when I was little. My parents called me Silly Goose, and then it turned into the nickname Goosen. 

She is definitely my Silly Goose!

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