Greg made me do it. Well more like made me allow him to do it. I hate giving newborns baths. They scream and cry and are so upset and it just breaks my heart. Greg said "Do you really want to be the parent of the smelly kid in class?" He is so corny but he cracks me up! So I gave in.
It didn't go so well at first... |
Then we brought out the big guns, AKA his paci... |
Went so much better... |
My poor little orange boy... |
I kept telling Greg he was done, but Greg just kept scrubbin'. |
I am pretty sure he took his paci out to let us know he was done lol! |
Aww!! You are so good at keeping up with milestones already! I just started Logan's baby book last night, lol. He is so adorable!! Love the new baby skin:)